A 24 year old man has died after a vape pen exploded in his face as he was using it. Texas resident William Brown was using the e-cigarette when it suddenly blew up. A small piece of the vape pen shot through and severed his carotid artery causing irreparable damage. The explosion happened on Jan. 27 and Mr. Brown died as a result of his injuries two days later. A witness who was present called an ambulance and Brown was rushed to a nearby hospital and sadly he could not be saved. Medical examiners have confirmed a piece of metal from the pen severed the artery and prevented blood from reaching his brain.
Brown bought the e-cigarette moments before the tragic accident at a store in Fort Worth, Texas. After purchasing the pen he got into his grandmother’s car with the intention of trying it out. His Grandmother said the device burst and shot across William’s mouth, leaving him bleeding heavily. The victim was able to crawl out of the car before he collapsed onto the ground.
An investigation has been launched into the cause of the fatal e-cigarette explosion which took William Brown’s life. His grandmother told the media the current theory from the investigators is a battery malfunction in the device may be to blame for the incident. The explosion left pieces of melted plastic and debris covering the car.
Previous studies have been carried out into the safety of vape pens and e-cigarettes. A report by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) lists over 190 incidents reported in the timeframe 2009-2016 resulting in e-cigarette injuries of various types. Many researchers believe this is the tip of the iceberg with an even larger number of other incidents, injuries, and hospital visits going unreported. In 2018 a man in Florida was killed by an exploding e-cigarette. The Florida incident left the victim severe burns, while shrapnel was launched into his head.
William Brown was not a regular smoker. He decided to try vaping after being told a specialized e-cigarette device might help him to battle the effects of asthma, and the explosion was a tragic accident which ended his life. Unfortunately, this is far from the first case of e-cigarette problems, and there have been many lawsuits related to faulty vaping devices. It is important for victims and family members to know that they have legal rights if an accident happens. Faulty devices and defective products may result in vape pen liability issues for manufacturers or sellers. If an e-cigarette accident has resulted in loss or injury you should explore your legal options.
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