An article was in USA today recently citing the most dangerous intersection in each state. We wondered what the most dangerous intersection in Elk Grove was. It turns out Elk Grove is well represented in the most dangerous intersection category.
While the number of deadly car crashes in California is dropping, 2,715 people still died in automobile accidents last year in this state, officials say. That’s an average of more than seven deaths a day. Local authorities say distracted drivers – those texting and chatting on cell phones, reading the newspaper or applying makeup are a growing cause of accidents. “It’s more and more common,” said California Highway Patrol Officer Adrian Quintero, a spokesman. “It’s a huge concern for us.”
It turns out that Elk Grove Boulevard and Emerald Vista drive is the most dangerous intersection in Elk Grove and the second most dangerous intersection is the intersection of Bond & Elk Grove Florin Road. It should be noted different parameters go into the most dangerous and the second most dangerous and you can learn about the danger of an intersection by the presence of red light cameras. Bond and Elk Grove-Florin has red light cameras for good reason we suspect. What intersection do you frequent that presents a clear danger to drivers? We want your list! Send your opinion to
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